What is a ForexMentor How to Trade Currencies Like the Big Dogsfor Cheap?
Here is what’s included :
How to Trade Currencies Like the Big Dogs
not THE best one out there. After taking this crash course in forex trading, from the comfort of your own home, you’ll be better armed to trade profitably and to take your trading to the next level.
Back when I was looking for a course to offer on this website, a close friend of mine suggested I speak with a friend of his who is now a full-time forex trader. This trader, who is very successful and “works” from the comfort of his own home highly recommended the Peter Bain course, which was the foundation of his success!
Peter Bain and his team of professional currency traders have successfully trained over 25,000 aspiring currency traders in the last ten years… In fact, The core of the ForexMentor training course is the “How to Trade Currencies like the Big Dogs” home study course. Designed to teach beginners how to trade currencies and then continue with their forex development until they have become proficient traders, the “Big Dog” course has enabled thousands of individuals to become skilled currency.
But rather than attempt to summarize Peter Bain’s philosophy, here’s what he has to say:
“Price support and resistance are the most important signals in trading. Here’s why:
Your chart is like the artificial gyro horizon – an instrument used to inform pilots of the orientation of the aircraft relative to earth. The pilots must know how to read this instrument in order to navigate safely.
Professional traders also use a gyro horizon to see what the market is doing. They are called pivot points. Pivot levels offer traders a frame of reference so he can see what price is doing and more importantly find his support and resistance levels.
I began to change the way I look at the market with that epiphany. Over the next 18 months, I devised the steps for a simple system for myself to guide my forex trading. I called it my Forex Dashboard System.
And here it is…As you can see, price action becomes the central focus in my Forex trading!
How simple is that?
The truth is you don’t need to clutter your charts with all those indicators to be successful. They’re cluttering your decision-making skills as much as they clutter your charts.
All successful “Big Dog” traders focus on price and its relationship to support and resistance. To conquer Forex trading, you have to use them too.
Learn How to Bark Like the “Big Dogs” And You Learn How to Conquer the Forex… It’s THAT Simple!
When I created the Forex Dashboard System, it was as if the fog had been lifted right in front of my eyes. Not only did my trading results improve overnight, but I was having fun again. With my Forex Dashboard System I found could see what the market was doing and where it was headed.
Now tell me this: What more effective indicator is there? If you can use a simple system to see what the market’s doing and where it’s headed, what else do you need to be successful?
The answer is NOTHING.
I was so excited when I finally cracked the Forex that I began sharing my system with several traders. They were surprised by its simplicity, but were skeptical at first. However, not long after, their trading results also improved.
Here’s the Skinny on How My System Works
Professional Forex traders pay very close attention to key price support and resistance levels. This is the foundation of my currency trading system. My system is built around the proven concept of “commercial support and resistance tendencies.” Just like the pros.